


Haji Oh


Visual artist of third generation Zainichi Korean descent born in Japan and living in Wollongong. She utilizes the techniques of weaving and unraveling textiles to illuminate the untold stories of people whose lives have touched hers. She has also used photographs, texts and sounds in her installations. Her major exhibitions include: “Texture” (Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Australia, 2023), “Roppongi Crossing 2022: Coming and Going” (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan), “Publicness of the Art Center” (Art Tower Mito, Japan 2019-2020), “Wearing Memory” (University of Wollongong, 2015)
主な展覧会:「Texture」展 (Canberra Contemporary Art Apace, オーストラリア、2023)、 「 六本木クロッシング2022: 往来、オーライ」展(森美術館、東京)、「展示と対話のプログラム アートセンターを開く」展(水戸芸術館、茨城、2019-2020)、「手にたくす、糸へたくす」展(小山市車屋美術館、栃木、2019)

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Michiyo Miyake

Japanese translator / writer

Japanese translator and writer living in Sydney. She has worked on various contemporary art projects and literary translations. She also publishes articles about British/American art and literature from the interwar period for the Japanese audience. Her recent publications include the translation of the Japanese photographer Osamu Kanemura’s collection of essays into English (Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura, Punctum books, 2019).
シドニー在住の翻訳者・文筆家。さまざまな現代アートのプロジェクトや文学の翻訳に携わるほか、戦間期の英語圏文学・文化に関する文章を出版している。最近の業績として、写真家・金村修氏のエッセイ集の英訳(Beta Exercise: Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura, Punctum books, 2019)などがある。

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This zine delineates the history of the islands where Australia’s offshore detention centres are located, from the guano industry that reached its peak in the 19th century, the resulting migration of people, the Japanese occupation during WWII, to the current offshore incarceration issue. Consisting of English/Japanese texts & poems, archival photographs printed using cyanotype technique, and images of the Australian bush, it is conceived as an attempt to extend our imagination to the ‘bare life’ of the refugees and asylum seekers that these same islands were to witness in the 21st century. We hope this zine invites you to reflect on the interconnected histories of Australia, Japan, and the island-nations and regions across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and evokes the memories and experiences of others.

The images captured in archival photographs not only depict how the landscapes appeared in the past but also document the relationship between the subject and the photographer. Printing archival materials using cyanotype technique brings these images to life. The photographs of the gum forest and its landscape show the ‘place’ where we stand, that is, the present, while these fragments of universal landscapes establish a connection between the past and the present. Weaving cloth with flax yarn and carefully stitching images of non-native plants whose names I’m unfamiliar with, found in the gum forest, I hope to allow them to emerge on the fabric. It forms a new relationship between the subject, the photographer and those who witness these images. 

